Mom's Pic

Mom's Pic
Mom's Pic


My name is Iyke and this is a tribute to our mum who departed to be with the Lord on July 12th, 2010.

Nobody can console you when your mum is gone, its inconsolable!

It felt like a sharp knive was pierced through my heart when the news of your departure reached me. Its incomprehensible!

You fought galantly and had a way of turning bad events all arou

Our consolation is in the fact that you are resting in the bossom of the Lord who has beckoned on your to return home.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


"All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers." -- Jewish proverb

"Of all the rights of women, the greatest is to be a mother." -- Lin Yutang

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." -- Honore' de Balzac (1799-1850)

"My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her." -- George Washington (1732-1799)

"By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class." -- Anne Morrow Lindbergh (1907- )

"The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom." -- Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)

"Youth fades; love droops, the leaves of friendship fall; A mother's secret hope outlives them all." -- Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

"I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life." -- Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865)

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." --Author Unknown

I Love You Forever

© Hiral P. Patel
To my mom

Mom you mean the world to me
It’s hard to live without you
You were always by my side
Through thick and thin you helped me
Now when you’re gone my life is hard to live
It’s hard to breath
It’s hard to see
And it’s hard to think about anything but you.
Even though your love will shine in me
Forever, it’s still hard not to look for your hand to hold.
Even though your not here with me in the
Flesh, I still have you in my heart and in my memories.
I love you forever mom

Source: I Love You Forever, Mother Death Poems

Thank You Mother

© Nicole J. Heath
Thank you mother- for all that you have done,
You took great care, of your daughters and sons.

You loved us all from the very start,
with your warm, kind, and loving heart.

Thank you mother, for being strong,
While trying to teach us right from wrong.

If anytime, we had a problem,
you were there to help us solve them.

You'd lift us up, when we were feeling blue,
Thank you mother, for we could always count on you.

You were such- an awesome mother,
The love you showed was like no other.

Thank you mother- for your dear, sweet love,
Now you'll watch over us from heaven above.

Source: Thank You Mother, Mother Death Poems

Memories Of Mom

© Melissa M. Robinson
Though it's been years now
since you were taken away,
the memories are still strong
and I wish you were here today.
I can't see nor touch you
so I know you're not here
but I've still got the past
and in my heart you're still near.
I used to wake up at night
screaming aloud and calling your name,
I must of needed someone
‘cause of all my hurt and fear.
If I could see you one last time
you know what I would do-
Release all my emotions
and say mom, I LOVE YOU!!!

Source: Memories Of Mom, Mother Death Poems

A Dream So Real

© Arnold R. Salazar
I glance at a dimly lit room.
I enter and see your face.
First, I wonder, 'Where is this place?'
All questions are quickly tossed aside
as your eyes once again meet mine.
Has it already been a year?
A year since we last said hello;
a year since we last said goodbye?
I don't want to know why;
why you've decided to visit me.
I'm satisfied hearing your voice, ever so softly.
Softly, you whisper your motherly advice.
With your words, I'll never have to think twice.
You made me promise to always take care of the ones I love.
Then the room slowly fades away like a flying dove.
The dim light fades to black, and I'll never forget
how I awaken in this cold sweat.
Tears endlessly crawl down my face
as I realize the truth of that place.
It was all a dream, or so it would seem.
It was a dream so real. Thank you for visiting me.
Thank you for letting me hear your voice and see your smile.
I've missed it all for a long while.
As you watch on us from above,
I promise to always take care of the ones I love.

Source: A Dream So Real, Mother Death Poems
My name is Ike and this is a tribute to our mom, Ezinne Anna Ihemefor.